Our solutions for health insurance providers
Because the prevention of psychosocial risks and the quality of work life are essential and necessary in companies, NGOs and international organisations, Eutelmed offers a solution to support health insurance programmes. A comprehensive offer, from prevention to care, will make the difference in a highly competitive market. Eutelmed also delivers an E-health platform for internationally mobile people.
With Eutelmed, our partners provide a homogeneous and high-quality solution to their clients and employees :
– A multi-service, multilingual and modular digital platform with self-assessment tools, e-learning and a 24/7 helpline.
– A network of experts: Clinical psychologists, occupational psychologists, speech therapists and coaches, accessible worldwide and covering over 60 languages and cultures.
Why call upon Eutelmed ?
Call on Eutelmed if you wish to …
- Offer comprehensive psychosocial risk management and quality of work life solutions to your corporate clients.
- Provide a global, modular, multilingual and secure solution, so that each beneficiary in international deployment will benefit from quality care for themselves and their families, and for corporate clients to gain from a better quality of work life.
- Deliver a range of cost containment solutions including a system of prior agreement, partial or total reimbursement or third party payment.
- Share content produced by our experts as part of preventive actions for your beneficiaries.
- Benefit from procedures and tools that integrate perfectly with the management of health insurance and self-funded carrangements, for a smooth and transparent experience.

- CARING BY EUTELMED™ is a digital, intuitive, scalable and multilingual platform: A complete solution from prevention to care. It enables all users to improve their work-life balance and level of commitment.
- MY EUTELMED™ is a digital, intuitive and multilingual e-health platform.
- TAILOR-MADE SERVICES : Because each organisation is unique and constantly evolving, Eutelmed offers a range of services and support, both to individuals and collectively, whether remotely or onsite Specific and global solutions in line with the needs and challenges of your clients. Remote psychiatric expertise, speech therapy, psychsocial audits and diagnoses are examples of what we can put in place for your clients.
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