Our solutions for an individual

Whether you are being posted abroad, travelling or geographically isolated, Eutelmed is here for you and your family.

Our secure teleconsultation platform My Eutelmed centralises everything you : A messaging and payment system, videoconferencing, a technical support team and above all, a network of highly skilled and experienced professionals. Certified psychologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, speech therapists and coaches who speak your language and share your culture, available wherever you are in the world.

Why call upon Eutelmed ?

Call on Eutelmed if you need …


  • To consult a competent mental health professional in the language of your choice, wherever you are and whenever you need.
  • To ensure the security of your personal data and meet a serious work ethic.
  • To get help from the platform technical team, who are easily reached.
  • To obtain proof for reimbursement of mental health and speech therapy costs, accepted by insurers s.
solution particuliers accompagnement sur mesure qualite de vie travail bien etre salaries caring by eutelmed

Our tele-medicine Platform

Meet our health professionals




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